Who We Are
Company Profile
PT. Jurong Engineering Lestari (PTJEL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the leading engineering and construction company, Jurong Engineering Limited (JEL) which is based in Singapore. Incorporated in 1995, PTJEL completed its first project – the Paiton Power Plant Phase I Unit 7 and 8 in its first year of inception.
PTJEL provides an extensive range of services including engineering, procurement, construction, fabrication, and maintenance services.
Headquartered in Singapore and with operations in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, JEL has gained recognition as an established player with multifaceted project capability. The company also undertakes full turnkey contracts mainly for small to medium size simple and combined cycle power plants.
Over the years, JEL Group has successfully executed many projects in more than 20 countries worldwide, involving power plants, steel plants, petrochemical refineries, incineration plants and other process plants and infrastructure.
We provide reliable, superior and comprehensive engineering solutions focused on optimising life cycle efficiency, safety and delivering maximum value to stakeholders.
Core Values
We work hard with dedication
and perseverance to achieve
success and excellence.
Kami bekerja keras dengan
penuh dedikasi dan
ketekunan untuk mencapai
kesuksesan dan keunggulan.
We constantly improve our
knowledge and skills to stay
ahead of competition in the
changing global market.
Kami terus meningkatkan
pengetahuan dan keterampilan
agar semakin terdepan
dalam persaingan
di pasar global.
We strive to be proactive and
act with accountability and
integrity for the company’s
growth and success.
Kami berusaha keras untuk
menjadi proaktif dan bertindak
dengan akuntabilitas dan
integritas demi pertumbuhan
dan kesuksesan perusahaan.
We promise quality and
on-time delivery,
without compromise on safety,
forging customers’ trust
to win repeat business
and new customers
Kami menjanjikan kualitas dan
penyelesaian pekerjaan dengan
tepat waktu tanpa kompromi
terhadap pentingnya
keselamatan, serta memupuk
kepercayaan yang diberikan
pelanggan untuk memenangkan
bisnis terus menerus dan
pelanggan baru.
We treat one another with
respect and dignity, fostering a
harmonious and cohesive
environment that promotes
well-being and happiness for all
Kami memperlakukan satu
sama lain dengan rasa
hormat dan bermartabat,
membina lingkungan yang
harmonis dan terpadu
sehingga akan mendorong
kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan
untuk semua.